Use "setback|setbacks" in a sentence

1. Now, setback.

2. Countering Setbacks by Setting Goals

3. A temporary setback, Cathy.

4. Today was a setback.

5. I've had some health setbacks myself.

6. I cannot endure another setback

7. Setback timer of air conditioner, air conditioning system, and method of setting setback timer display

8. A temporary setback, I assure you.

9. These setbacks may rob us of happiness.

10. His sturdy resilience to knocks and setbacks.

11. Can anything be done to avoid these setbacks?

12. This setback has drained away my keenness.

13. But Al qaeda also faced major setbacks.

14. Would this not result in terrible setbacks?

15. His research has suffered a temporary setback.

16. This temporary setback merely strengthened her resolve.

17. 16 They achieved some victories despite these setbacks.

18. He appeared to face life's setbacks with stoicism.

19. 4 They were unaccustomed to such military setbacks.

20. But in December 19 John suffered a setback.

21. Equities recovered from a sharp early setback yesterday.

22. We have had a bit of a setback.

23. I would think you'd be facing a major setback.

24. She views every minor setback as a disaster.

25. There are health and financial setbacks that can be disorienting.

26. But several months later David had a disappointing setback.

27. You're gonna drown your sorrows'cause of a little setback?

28. Mr Mori's two coalition partners also suffered a setback.

29. Without experiencing discomfiture and setbacks, one can never find truth.

30. Blunder away but be sure to learn from each setback

31. This is just a minor setback in a major operation.

32. This latest defeat constitutes a major setback for the government.

33. The December elections were a major setback for the party.

34. Incidentally, don't think I'm bitter because of some personal setback.

35. There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans.

36. Bloodied but unbowed Still willing to continue despite stress or setbacks

37. Bottlenecks are setbacks or obstacles that slow or delay a process

38. Accept trials, setbacks, and “surprises” as part of your mortal experience.

39. A series of setbacks have put the whole project in jeopardy.

40. We have withstood internship accompany setbacks, but also withstood the joy!

41. Autocratization affects democracies and autocracies with gradual setbacks in democratic qualities

42. The government's rejection of the plans is a setback for us.

43. Setbacks are a dime a dozen with a bill of this size.

44. The team's hopes of playing in Europe suffered a setback last night.

45. The two losses are a serious setback for the team's playoff hopes.

46. Proponents blamed internecine warfare among term-limits supporters for the setback.

47. After their latest setback, the rebel forces no longer hold the initiative.

48. Before the setbacks, the new Lancias had passed their tests with flying colours.

49. Plan on slow and steady progression, and prepare for setbacks and even frustration.

50. Bouguereau’s career was close to a direct ascent with hardly a setback.

51. The loss of Gough after the interval was another setback for Souness.

52. Sometimes when we've had a setback we want to grieve for awhile.

53. In spite of those setbacks, I tried to keep up a good spiritual routine.

54. In the late 2000s economic crisis, the Slovenian economy suffered a severe setback.

55. In the wake of this most recent setback, even 2 % now looks optimistic.

56. The team suffered a major setback when their best player was injured.

57. The Alond development is the second significant setback for Pfizer this year

58. As yet the only people to suffer from this setback are the investors.

59. 4 I don't have any open wound healing is slaughtered,nobody knows my heart setbacks.

60. These Guidelines specify setback distances, acoustic monitoring, visual monitoring, delay/resumption criteria etc.

61. Of course, to get going again after a setback is not always easy.

62. Without an efficient system and good professional advice, unforeseen problems can develop into major setbacks.

63. Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team.

64. The loss of their goalkeeper through injury was a major setback for the team.

65. Although considered a competent general, he suffered a number of humiliating setbacks throughout his career.

66. Brazil also noted that an à la carte approach would mean a conceptual setback.

67. In spite of this, the 2007 season was marked by a series of setbacks for Jeilan.

68. Despite various setbacks, during the last academic year we opened 1,000 public schools to non-Lebanese students.

69. We could ascribe these setbacks to the fact that our regime is young, or make other excuses.

70. We're in a real budget Crunch and can't afford a setback like this right now

71. Nevertheless, the defeat of Ecgfrith was obviously a serious military setback for the northern Angles.

72. We had a minor setback in last week's Champions League match, but it's easily fixable .

73. Some of Britain's most prolific bidders may have lost some of their confidence after recent setbacks.

74. The Beating of a drum secret Beatings of prisoners· A heavy defeat or setback

75. This setback to the economy occurred after seven years of contracting production and rising unemployment.

76. In later years Nobunaga had this setback expunged from records and omitted from the Nobunaga Chronicles.

77. The Millar Memorial, however, suffered a setback recently when a fire badly damaged their band hall.

78. We agree that many who struggle with alcohol addiction experience setbacks and discouragement along the path to recovery.

79. Viticulture suffers appreciable setbacks because of religious wars, Turkish Besiegements, exorbitant taxes and the increased popularity of beer

80. After a series of setbacks, the unit Qin served in was redesignated the 31st Division, Red 11th Corps.